We offer corporations two dedicated tools to help them make decisions based on data.

Five disciplines 

Every CEO, entrepreneur, and company leader wants a great business. Great business is a lofty goal. What makes a great business? The best businesses are sustainable, predictable, stable, consistent, and emotive. “Adding Zeros” defines a great business. 

Do you want to add zeros or do you want to add zero?

What if you knew the root causes of your organization’s problems?

What do we hear most about successful businesses? Sales and profit. Every firm needs these two, but without customer, employee, and community participation, they won’t be excellent on long term.

Culture and engagement surveys should be elevated! Our  employee survey assessment examines company performance across 5 fundamental indicators vital to your business success. For leaders eager to use company-wide data to improve strategy, our solution is for you.

Team Audit & Dynamic

Leading a team can be challenging, particularly when managing a diverse range of styles, values, and backgrounds. In most teams, the barriers to effective collaboration are rarely about “know-how” or “knows-why.” Our Audit provides a real-time evaluation of your employees’ interactions and offers actionable steps to address challenges and enhance team performance—grounded in science, not theoretical approaches.

Our Team Audit & Dynamic Report is not an employee engagement survey, but rather a real-time analysis of your employees’ interactions and the steps to implement to reduce issues and improve team results…based on science not theoretical method. 

The report will help the manager understand if the team is balanced, identify potential conflicts and their causes, find the right words to motivate each team member, determine the ideal profiles for future hires, and improve engagement, productivity, and communication with an easy-to-follow method.